Let’s get REAL here. The Post-Holiday Blues is a real thing. The holidays are often about expectations and when reality falls short, the let-down can be tough. I’m feeling it right now. The family connections didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. It was a lot of work and money, and most didn’t seem to notice or acknowledge the many extra touches I put into our home, the meals, the planning, etc. Add the loss of my best four-legged friend and frankly, it was hard to get out of bed this morning. My first thought was, “What’s the point? Another day, another year.” And I instantly recognized the Blues.

If you’ve ever felt this way – at any time of year – there are organic ways to reclaim your equilibrium and balance. I’m using all my tools right now, and here are the top 5 things I do to beat the blues and find my groove.

  1. Look in the mirror and say: “I love you (your name) .” Feels weird maybe? Then do it again, smiling as though you were talking to a dear friend. We can’t always count on others to express their love for us but we can love ourselves. Giving yourself that love and kindness is big medicine.
  2. Go outside. It doesn’t matter if it is 50 degrees or minus 5, take time each day to go outside and feel the elements:
    • Earth: Feel it below your feet, or lean against a tree and touch into its sleeping limbs, its alive roots. Life, vibrancy, growth is there. Take it in through Nature.
    • Air: Crisp or hot, feel it on your skin, in your hair, through your nostrils. Welcome each deep breath as a new beginning. You are here. It is now. Listen for a winter bird, a chickadee, crow or jay. They carry on, going about the day’s business, foraging and flitting about. Let them inspire you.
    • Water: Snow, ice, rain, a stream burbling under its frozen surface – offer it Love and Gratitude. Acknowledge that your body is 75% water, and send love and gratitude to the waters within you.
    • Fire: Feel the sun on your face. If it’s not sunny, feel your inner warmth; your body working on your behalf. Even when we don’t feel energized, our body chugs away, using energy, creating heat. You’re alive and here. Honor your body with Gratitude.
  3. Laugh! Really, just laugh, even if you are faking it. I’m fake laughing as I write this. I can feel my body responding as happy hormones are released. Ahhhh…I am tingly inside now; warmer, and the smile is lingering on my face. I just broke the “woe is me” brain pattern and tricked my brain into running the “I’m happy!” pattern. I feel lighter, better!
  4. Have gentle patience and nurture yourself. Do your self-care: yoga, meditation, a candlelight bath, vitamins (especially D in winter). Exercise in a way you love, preferably outside. Eat well, lay off the alcohol, sugar, and media.
  5. Reconnect with a friend in need, or an organization that could use a volunteer. Helping others reminds us that we are all part of the same web of life, connected. When we help others, we help ourselves!

With these daily practices, your mood will start to lift. You’ll take control of your blue mood by grounding into your physical body, nurturing yourself, laughing, helping others. You’ll be ready to get back in touch with your passionate heart, your vibrant life.

Like pulling your foot our of a mud-suck – schluuurp – you’ll free yourself emotionally so that you can look ahead, find your groove, and create your desired life!

May we all have a have a strong, resilient, joyful 2018!

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