Girls Need Confidence

In today’s world, girls need confidence. One of the toughest situations a parent faces is witnessing their exuberant, confident, intelligent daughter begin to lose these traits as she approaches puberty. They may wonder, “How could this be happening to my child?” Yet, there it is, a deep hole of unworthiness that many girls step into, and that may take years to climb out of. This is part biology and part hormone; however, an even bigger part is our culture.

New Study shows Confidence plunge for girls

A 2018 study for the book, The Confidence Code for Girls, revealed that girls and boys are essentially equal in their sense of confidence up to about age 8. Then girls’ confidence plummets by 30%. By the time they are 14, their belief that others like them is down to 46%. Read the study results here. TheConfidenceCodeForGirls

Been there, done this…for you

Sadly, I watched my own four daughters suffer as they lost their power. However, I leaned into it, studied, did a 3-year (and never-ending) spiritual training in the Divine Feminine and eventually became a certified nature-based coach,. In other words, firstly, I changed myself. Secondly, I grew a new career based on my vow to serve the Earth, Women and Girls. Ultimately, that is the motivation and foundation of  my unique empowerment programs in nature for girls and women – Chrysalis Circle for tweens and teens, Caterpillar Girls for young girls, and a series of Awaken in Nature programs for women (and men too!).

Our chant, every day of camp is “We are Strong, Courageous, Confident, Resilient!” Powerful intention combined with nature adventure, risk-taking, information gathering (others call it a failure but we have a different perspective on that), self-discovery, communication and trust skills, and gaining perspective are all part of the fun and growth that happens in our Women’s Empowerment Workshop programs. Most importantly, they also help build what we intend: confidence. strength, courage and resilience.

What can you do?

Here are six easy ways you can help your daughter build confidence:

1. Be the model for her – kids learn what they live
  • Take your own risks; practice self-care; let go of your own perfectionism; ease off the pressure
2. Allow her to “fail”
  • First, please, reframe that concept to one of learning and gathering information
  • Let go of the the duality of success/failure, and all the negativity around “mistakes”. Life is messy; pick up the pieces and be grateful for the learning opportunity.
3. Encourage her to take risks
  • Try making a game of tracking of how those risks turn out.
4. Get her off of Social Media or severely restrict it
  • It’s can be a weapon, especially in the hands of pubescent girls, who can be amazingly cruel.
5. Send her outside!
  • Nature is profoundly healing. Brain studies show that simply sitting in nature reduces stress and anxiety.
6. Bundle these top 5 into one:

Register for one of our nature exploration, adventure and personal growth camps, based in Eagle, CO.

Chrysalis Circle – Middle and High School girls, July 29 – Aug. 3. Early-bird discount ends May 15

Caterpillar Girls – rising 2nd – 5th-grade girls, Aug. 5-9, Early-bird discount ends May 1.

Have you lost your Playful, Joyous Self?

Reclaim your Joy! Do the healthy things you love to do, that make you happy. Here’s an offering for you:

Awaken Your Joy in Nature retreat, July 18-21, in the coastal mountains of Oregon. This Co-ed retreat is for adults who want to reclaim their Playful Inner Child and learn life practices for staying connected to your Joy!

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