Releasing what no longer serves us is like doing spiritual housecleaning. You may not realize how badly you need it, but it sure feels great after you do it! Here is a simple nature-based personal Release Ritual for you.

Set an intention of Release. This may be very specific, or a general sloughing of old business. Find a place in nature where you can create safe, sacred, intentional space for yourself. If it is your practice, call in your allies to be with you energetically. Begin breathing deeply, feeling your contact with the earth. Draw in earth energy on the inhale and exhale any busy, distracting thoughts. Close your eyes and feel yourself relax into the natural surroundings.

Open your senses slowly, one at a time, focusing on touch, smell, taste, hearing and finally sight. Now fully aware in body, grounded and present, take in Nature’s subtle presence.  Simply observe and feel what is happening around you. Take your time, enjoying being a human being rather than a human doing. What do you notice? Scan your body for any contractedness that may be related to your emotional or physical life. Notice if this is related to what  you set an intention about releasing. Or perhaps it is related to something else that arises spontaneously. Once you identify the habit, pattern, belief, feeling, person, thought, etc. that is causing you pain or discomfort, hold it in your hands in front of you. Take a moment to reflect on how carrying this has affected your life. Offer it gratitude for the lessons it has given you. Then either gently blow it away or set it into moving water. You can also put it into a rock and throw that into water. If it’s something quite troubling, this often feels really good! Once you’ve released, take a few moments to feel into the space that you’ve created within your being. You can choose to seed that space with a new intention. Perhaps there is something you’d like to bring into your life. Plant that into this new inner space.

End your ceremony by giving thanks to the nature around you for showing you what you needed to release and to your Self for having the courage to do so. You may see a small gift from nature, a leaf, twig or stone, that you’d like to take with you as a reminder of your resolve. Speak your gratitude and enjoy your spiritual cleaning!

For questions or help with your Release Ritual, contact Susie Kincade, Founder, Women’s Empowerment Workshop.

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